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On a quest for that something

When we think of existential crises, we imagine the teenage years or a mid-life crisis. In my life, the first one arose when I was about 4 years old, following my mother’s death.

The horizon was blotted out, chaos filled the space around me and the ground swept away from under my feet. Thus, began my quest for that something…

Suddenly and brutally, I became self-sufficient. I had to adapt. I moved on and tested life and its limits. Substance abuse, eating disorders, anxiety – I abused my body for years. When it was almost too late to change course, I stopped it all. By myself. The will to live prevailed and my body did not let me fall.

After my studies, a fundamental question arose, “who would I become if I went far away and left everything behind?”

I left and that trip changed my life. In a monastery, I experienced such unity that there was nothing other than that very moment. It was as if, after 20 years of searching, I had arrived. Meaning had finally pervaded everything.

“Practice through body and posture” became the centre of my life.

When I returned to Switzerland, I found a job in communications at SICPA which gave me a lot of freedom. I then dedicated myself to the study and practice of meditation and yoga. I deeply found and lost myself within it many times. Jean Lechim was my main yoga teacher.

I myself started teaching in 2009. At the same time, I continued the study and practice of meditation.

With time, practice and discipline, I began to organise my own meditation & yoga retreats at home.

I have explored a large number of ways of working with the body and mind, undertaken several psychotherapies, and fallen in love with dance, something I’ve been passionate about since childhood. Yet, although practice and these different experiences had really changed me, my horizon had not really shifted.

It wasn’t until I discovered Rolfing that the horizon expanded before me.

When I encountered Rolfing, I found the structure I’d been missing so much, that something I could rely on.

My posture changed, some of my behaviours too. A greater fluidity and grace appeared. I began to feel more comfortable in my body, have more energy, allow myself to take up more space, have more self-confidence, make other choices.

It transformed me so much that I wanted to share this rebirth. At the end of my training, I therefore created my own practice: EMBODYWORK. Since then, I’ve continued to train intensively.

I am also continuing my fundamental research on how to rest and restore, how to continue sailing through life come rain or storm.

In 2020, my career at SICPA came to an end. I began the year with a long meditation retreat in honour of the past 13 years and Espace & Posture was born.

Key dates






Bachelor of Science in International Hospitality Management (EHL)


Long trip to Southeast Asia, first meditation retreats, turning point

From 2007

Intensive study of yoga & meditation


Start of career in marketing / SICPA


Yoga Sivananda Teaching Diploma (200H / 1 month)

Beginnings in yoga teaching


Yoga Teaching Certificate from Jean Lechim


Discovery of Rolfing & treatment (15 months)


Yoga de l’Énergie Teaching Diploma (650H /4 years)


Rolfing® Diploma -> opening of my private practice EMBODYWORK

From 2016

Continuous education (minimum 1 month per year) : rolfing, osteopathy, embryology, anatomy, dissection, movement,…


Yoga Synergy Teaching Diploma (200h / 1 month)


Vice-Presidency of the Swiss Association for Rolfing & Structural Integration


“Tronc commun” Diploma (-> federal diploma for complementary therapy)

End of career at SICPA & long meditation retreat

Yoga & Meditation training – Traditional Yoga (ongoing)

Hired as Community Builder (community and durability)

Birth of Espace & Posture

Highly competent and professional. Simply the best in her field! Don’t hesitate.


My other passions

Exploring the depths.  Dissection.

Space and silence. Beauty. 

Nature and edible wild plants. Skeletons (which I collect!) .

Simplicity. Dark chocolate. Kale.

Healthy vegetarian food. Gardening. Passionate people.

Murakami & Myazaki. Tales. Astrology. Creating. Sharing.

ASCA, RME & Visana

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Espace & Posture
Rue de l'Hôtel-de-Ville 13
1800 Vevey

+41 76 811 33 10

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