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How to start feeling differently

Prendre soin de ses pieds

Hello everybody,

The feet are much more than a foundation for our body.

They are sensory organs like our eyes and ears. The soles of our feet contain a lot of different receptors which gives us various information, for example our position in space (proprioception). The capacity of support is directly linked with this potential.

The feet I see in my practice are usually rather tight or flat. In both case, their capacity to sense is altered. So, how to get it back?

This week’s practice will show you a way to start restoring it.

When we work on the sensory organ, the impact on the nervous system can be tremendous. Is it true in your experience?

Enjoy the practice and see you next week,

P.S: From 2021, videos will be both in French and in English. The 2020 videos are only available in French.

ASCA, RME & Visana

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