Review, Embodiment & Astrology

Hello everybody,
After 2 months of newsletters and videos, the moment has arrived for a first review. What has been your experience for the last 2 months? What did you enjoy and what was less enjoyable?
Which subjects/topics would you like me to cover in future videos? Do you have any other wishes?
I am looking forward to receiving your feedbacks!
Please find below an embodiment practice to explore your nostrils. I suggest your practice this embodiment before receiving my next video.
During the confinement, I started to study in a serious and structured way a topic I had been passionate about for years: astrology. I am very likely to include some astrology in my next newsletters.
Till then, enjoy the practice!
First take time to palpate your nose from the root till the nostrils using your index and middle finders.
Once on the nostrils, keep your finger there using a very light touch. Feel the movement created by natural breathing.
When the movement is distinct enough and your attention is focused, actively exhale from the lower abdomen (below the navel) in a slow and progressive fashion. With the exhale, your nostrils will move closer to the nasal septum. Allow the respiratory movement of the inhale to happen by itself.
You might experience some suspension in the breath. If they happen, let yourself feel the atmosphere they carry.
Little by little, allow both the inhale and the exhale to happen by themselves. Check for any contraction that might be present in the diaphragmatic area. If contraction are present, reduce the effort progressively till the movement happens fluidly.
When the movement of the nostrils as been felt for long enough, you can continue the practice without using your fingers.
To be practised 3 minutes per day!